Understanding Health at Every Size (HAES®) and why weight-inclusive care matters
At Maitri Health we are committed to providing tailored and evidence-based advice that prioritises inclusivity.  We are a HAES® aligned...
Understanding Health at Every Size (HAES®) and why weight-inclusive care matters
The Lowdown on the Low FODMAP Diet.
Shifting the Dial: Why 'Body Neutrality' may be the key to improving body image.
Intersection between Functional Gastrointestinal (gut) disorders and Eating Disorders (ED)
Everything you need to know about Resistant Starch
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) may be the driver to your low energy.
DIY salmon salad with leftover sweet potato chunks
Israeli Salad (Vegan)
Super Easy Chicken Roast
Poke Bowl